Miles Davis music at Amazon
From: Downbeat Magazine
Born in Alton, Ill., on May 26, 1926, Davis grew up in East St. Louis in an upper middle class family. After receiving his first trumpet in his preteen years, he played in his high school band as well as took private lessons and gigged in r&b bands. After meeting bebop maestros Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker, Davis had jazz on his mind in 1944 when his father sent him to New York to attend Juilliard. Instead of taking classes he hooked up with Bird, playing in his quintet from 1946-'48. After that Davis set off to form his own groups, including his first great quintet comprising John Coltrane, Red Garland, Paul Chambers and Philly Joe Jones in 1955; and his second primo quintet Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, Ron Carter and Tony Williams in 1963-'68.
Birth Of The Cool, Miles Ahead, Porgy And Bess, Sketches Of Spain,Milestones and Kind Of Blue. In the '60s, Miles and his quintet recorded brilliant music, much of which was released in 1998 on the 6-CDThe Complete Columbia Studio Recordings, 1965-'68. What's noteworthy about this box set is how it opens a window onto one of Davis' most fertile periods, a time when he and his bandmates were engaged in the fine art and magical alchemy of jazz improvisation. His music was evolving from the acoustic sphere into a free-form jazz fusion approach.
Davis' most radical veer from jazz tradition came in the late '60s and early '70s when, under the intoxicating influence of such artists as Jimi Hendrix and Sly Stone, Davis ushered in the age of fusion with a steamy electric concoction of bubbling funk, explosive rock and abrasive jazz. The music ruffled the feathers of jazz purists who were unwilling to accept Davis' vision for the ever-evolving genre. However, rock fans were blown away. The trumpeter's 1970 fusion masterwork, Bitches Brew, sold over 400,000 copies in a year, making it the biggest selling jazz album in history.
Even though Davis died Sept. 28, 1991, the trumpeting jazz titan continues to impact the contemporary music world.In 1962, Davis was elected by the Readers into the Down Beat Hall of Fame.
Miles Davis: Martin Committee or Imperial flugelhorn? - TrumpetMaster
3 posts - 1 author - Last post: Jan 15, 2009Hi, There seems to be some dispute about, or at least differing opinions as to which flugelhornMiles uses on the Miles Ahead / Porgy ... › ... › Vintage Trumpets / Cornets - Cached - Similar
1949 Martin Committee For Sale - 3 posts - May 2, 2011
WTS 1953 Large Bore Martin Committee - 7 posts - Mar 12, 2011
Miles davis' trumpet(s) - 3 posts - Jan 9, 2011
What makes the Martin Committee so great - 10 posts - Jan 12, 2009
Martin Committee Large Bore Trumpet
6 min - Apr 17, 2009 - Uploaded by HornDoctor
This is a large bore Martin Committee trumpet that will be going on ebay soon, but before that we wanted local artist, Stan Kessler (www ...
1983 Miles Davis w/ Martin Committee Trumpet vintage ad | eBay
eBay: Find 1983 Miles Davis w/ Martin Committee Trumpet vintage ad in the Collectibles , Advertising , Merchandise Memorabilia , Advertising-Print , 1980-89 ... › ... › Advertising-Print › 1980-89 - Cached-
Martin committee trumpet-3460 - View topic: Trumpet Herald forum
1 post - 1 author - Last post: Jul 15, 2003Is it excellet buy new model of Martin committee trumpet-3460? I was informed that Mr.Miles Davis and Mr.Dizzy used Martin committee ... - Cached
Deluxe Martin Committee Trumpet For Sale : Trumpet Dude
Apr 12, 2011 ... As many real trumpet players know, the vintage Martin Committee is THE horn that was played by many Jazz giants, such as Miles Davis, ... - Cached
Martin Committee trumpet | JAZZ LIVES
Mar 25, 2011 ... Even if you bristle slightly at the name of Miles Davis (as I do) ... has and plays a Martin Committee model when the mood strikes him! ... -

Miles Davis music at Amazon